Monday, September 7, 2009


So, another Labor Day has come and gone. For those looking at the Twitter feed, you may have seen me talk about how I had the best Sunday night in long time. I won't divulge too many details, but it did entail getting dressed up:

Then hitting a swanky little club in the heart of D.C. With the cutie below:

After closing that down, the hunger hit, and at her suggestion we went the a diner. This place litterally called, "The Diner". Another funny thing about this place, we actually had to stand in line behind a velvet rope! It was just like waiting outside the above club...but just to get some greasy breakfast @ 4AM! Then I proceeded to fall asleep on a futon in a 100+ year house...woke up, said my goodbyes, then did a little walk a couple blocks to the Metro.

Yes, I love this town...and I must say, I like hanging out with this girl. :)


Mom said...

Yes, I see why you like to hang out with her. Sounds like you had a great weekend.

Dad said...

Very pretty young lady.
So was the "greasy spoon" diner worth the wait?